Friday, August 8, 2014

Hmm.. I'm not really sure what to write about.

MoVo the intern here to tell you hey!
I've had this page open for about an hour. I'm not really sure how to do this...It's not you, it's me. But I'm breaking up with you....Well, not exactly, today is my last day for the summer and during the school year I only can come in during weekends so you guys will be hearing from me again I promise.
What it's been like a month? That's pretty crazy, Summer is going by so fast. I'm going to school soon too!
And after this year college! Here's to hoping I get into the schools I want to go to! But that's another blog entry, on another blog (by the way you should check out my tumblr, here)--It's a pretty sweet blog, you get to hear me complain about some stuff, and you get to see what tickles my fancy.

We're still going to be making progress on our project, I'm going to keep you guys updated. Because I'm nice like that. Ha, and it's my job.  Um today we're just editing our footage from Wednesday's shoot. I feel like I should give you guys a pizza or something, this entry is boring. I showed you guys the pictures I took already. I don't know what to do now. HERE. I'm going to find another picture.

Before I forget, check out our facebook page and like it! Here!

I thought this picture to be quite humourous.
But anyways, cool things are happening over here in Robot-Kayak land! I hope you guys think so too!

Well, I hope you have a lovely rest of the day.
MoVo, over and out.


It's a legit "funny kayak" picture. Get it?

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