Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hey there robot-kayak lovers, and other beings of the universe!

Your favourite intern here to tell you our video shoot went very well.

T'was a stressful afternoon, but all in all we got some good footage, so hopefully we can produce a quality, final video for y'all. We are most likely going to have another shoot, the date and details are TBA stage. There was just a lot of talk about it.

Also, pictures are coming your way I promise. I made sure to take some, and maybe I'll be able to you guys some videos, but there's no promising.

I'm designing a new piece today, so hopefully it turns out well like the other piece I made. Fingers crossed!

Well, thanks for reading today, sorry it was kind of boring, but here's the song of the day to make it a little more exciting! Bringing it back with some Beirut. Woot, woot!

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