We were up third. We started strong and everything was good until... We died.
Autopsy revealed that none of the wires were properly duct taped. Our battery came disconnected directly at the terminal. We promptly used a complete roll of duct tape securing every last connection in the bot. Duct tape fixes stuff.
Here's Daniel explaining what happened:
For most of the rest of the day we prepared the gun for the gun fight tomorrow. Since we hadn't used it in a few months it needed some work. We did get it working and it should be ready to go for tomorrow.

Later in the day, they called us back up for a 6:33 time. Then they kicked us out. Apparently they screwed up a bunch of times. It took us a while to figure out what happened but I was pretty sure we didn't lose. Unfortunately we didn't win either. Tomorrow!
I also caught a few other fights:
Last rights v maximus
Last rights v sj
Cool thing:

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