Only 6 weeks left until we go to Robogames. TAKING IT UP A NOTCH!
We've initiated time trials!
Early time trials with all 14 targets are all over the map due to manual gun reloading. It's rediculous! The thing runs out of bullets. This is very similar to our experience at Defcon.
logfile: start_time end_time difference(seconds)
playeratat-20090419143614.log: 413 626 213
playeratat-20090419145133.log: 114 222 108
playeratat-20090419152502.log: 278 647 369
playeratat-20090419153853.log: 518 693 175
playeratat-20090419162203.log: 87 256 169
playeratat-20090419162735.log: 38 136 98
playeratat-20090419163742.log: 226 374 148
Mean - 182.9 - approx 13.06 seconds per target
To get a better picture, we reduced the number of targets to control for the gun capacity. We did several time trials with 3 targets and established that the primary limiting factor is the gun and its misfires.
playeratat-20090419164925.log: 73 88 15
playeratat-20090419165235.log: 18 30 12
playeratat-20090419165809.log: 26 36 10
Mean - 12.3 - approx 4.1 seconds per target
The new gun won't be useable with the existing hardware without downtime on software, so we're holding off using the new gun until the new hardware is complete in order to keep software development going. Unfortunately that means that our time trials are essentially invalid until then.
To bridge this, Daniel will be doubling down on his efforts to finalize the hardware this week.
This week:
The new DC Driver interface tested and integrated with PLAYER successfully.
We attempted some pixel mapping methods (such as opencv) but found that hard alignment of camera to target screen was easier an more effective.
We also attempted varying light conditions using the 1500 watt halogen but it intoduced a bunch of shadow that was inconsistent with the test environment anyways. We won't be using that anymore.